Mother’s Day 2021

I’d just like to say and huge thank you for all of the Mother’s Day orders I received this year. I can definitely say the Afternoon Teas were a massive hit and also the cupcake and scone boxes. I’ve made just short of 100 scones in the last week, but still manages to sit down and enjoy one myself on the evening.

Everything in the boxes was freshly homemade - the sandwich fillings and all of the baked treats. I’m thinking of adding sausage rolls as an extra - any other ideas are welcome, as is and feedback from the boxes that would be changed.

Here are a few pictures of the orders completed, I forgot to take pictures of some the larger boxes so any of your own pictures would be great to see if you can message me or add them on.

Thanks again x


Cupcake & Scone Box


Chocolate Music Themed Drip Cake